2 min read

Some computer tools seem essential to the smooth functioning of a business and that is the case with payroll software.

The payroll software is an IT solution that allows you to manage your HR administration. You can install these on your computers or choose a solution in SaaS mode in the cloud. Some companies also hire external accounting firms for administrative management.

This tool provides you with the following features:

  1. Management of employee data and the uniform personnel register
  2. Processing and administration of payslips
  3. Processing of personnel documents (employment contracts, judgments, ASSEDICS certificates, etc.)
  4. Management of salary transfers
  5. Automatically generated wage and salary postings in accounting
  6. Long-distance transmission of the DSN, production of the DADS
  7. Dashboards,
  8. Depending on the software, you will also find additional HR or accounting tools (time management, skills and career management, etc.).


payroll software

The advantages of payroll accounting software are manifold:

Time-saving: You can find the information easily, and several low-several tasks are automated, so professionals can quickly switch to higher-value-added tasks.

Centralizing data allows you to better manage your data: it is more reliable thanks to real-time synchronization and the fact that there is only one repository for everyone. You reduce the risk of errors by automatically adjusting the data.

They also manage access management and decide who has the right to read and/or change the written information. They ensure more confidentiality and security for your sensitive data such as salaries or budgets.

Monthly payroll accounting appears to many as an insurmountable challenge. A large part of the activities for payroll accounting is carried out by you and your employees anyway: necessary documents have to be prepared, checked and possibly corrected. The other tasks can also be completed in-house without further.

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